Dynamic System Sinmuation Research

A GNU++20 Physics-oriented Library

Dynamic System Sinmuation Research

Initial State

A discrete jump from 0 to 1 at fluid interface.

System modeling

Known Points

  1. Acceleration towards higher existence
  2. Positive correlation between energy/mass with existence


Constant velocity (no force acting)

Given $v$, for any space with existence エ, it means traveling $vエ$ per unit time.


Degradation (Consumption v.s. Radiation)

This part decides given two point (A, B) seperate by distance $D$, given A’s original existence エ, how much will B perceive?

Radiation proposed a significant issue that it couldn’t handle cases where D->0 (which is kinda a common occuring case within our theory).

Also a question to radiation-based degradation is that, then does the Existence being consumed? Like with time-dependent linear consumption where over time the existence decreases (at least for carrier).


How traveling is experienced

Weight (for integration)